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Nov UV sesalnik - Mamibot UVLITE100 BREZPLAČNI uničevalec pršic

Mamibot UVLITE100, novo zasnovano brezžično čistilo za vzmetnice za odstranjevanje pršic, cvetnega prahu in običajnih bakterij, uniči 99,99 % pršic s patentirano UV žarnico U-Type. Nujno je, če hočeš pravo  zdravo in udobno družino


In pršice so res katastrofa, če ste alergični  

Ne glede na to, ali ste odrasel, otrok ali dojenček, bodo simptomi alergije, kot so izcedek iz nosu, kihanje in kašljanje, resno motili vaše življenje. To bo motilo vašo sposobnost  enostavno dihati in povzročati motnje spanja. Pogost simptom so tudi kožni izpuščaji

Steamor S1

With 135°C high temperature steam for deep cleaning oil stains


Clean and Kill Bacteria

with disinfection steaming


Energy Saving

Fast Preheating

Steamor S1 kills 99.9% of the germs, mites and bacteria


Easy to operate in kitchen, bathrooms and other hard-to-reach locations

Fliexible as cleaning by hands, deal with the oil stains easy and comfortably.


Safe And Convenient

Lightweight and labor-saving, multiple cleaning heads and brushes for different scenarios

Protection Glove

Bacteria Killing

High Temp Steaming

Multiple Scenarios


Easy to operate in kitchen, bathrooms and
other hard-to-reach locations

Fliexible as cleaning by hands, deal with the oil stains easy and comfortably.


Multiple cleaning brush sets

It’s easy to use different sets of cleaning brushes/heads to clean walls, table surfaces, hearth surfaces, cooker surfaces, as well as gas stoves.


1200W strong power, 20 minutes running time


20 min


High Steaming Volume, Long Running Time


Elegant designed with a handle

Good looking and super user-friendly

Simple Looking

in Use


Multiple brush sets for more scenarios

Steamor S1 has sets of brushes such as scrubbing brush, nozzled brush, and palm cleaning cloth. It’s suitable for cleaning most of the corners, surfaces and walls of households


Three levels of NTC protection
Super quick heating:abt 15S-20S


Big water tank

with a volume of 410ml, it’s capable for a much  longer steaming time

steaming frequency

water tank


Anti-corrosion and Anti-cracking Double layer hose

The silicon inner layer and PVC outer layer of the hose guarantee a longer lifespan and better safety protection. There are two levels of steaming volume.

L for general steaming

H for strong steaming


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Delaware ZDA,

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