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V4.0 Real Intelligent V+gyro SLAM Navigation robotski sesalnik  - Mamibot EXVAC680S Smarteye TM

Pravi inteligentni robotski sesalnik VISUAL SLAM Navigation proizvajalca Mamibot in pametni čistilec 4. generacije - MAMIBOT EXVAC680S. Do zdaj je eden najbolj stroškovno učinkovitih robotskih sesalnikov, opremljen s široko paleto najnovejših naprednih tehnologij. Združljiv je z Amazon Alexa, Google play, vse-v-enem, ki ga nadzira APP, in ga lahko upravljate od koder koli po svetu, dokler je omrežje na voljo.

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The full Automatic robot cleaner for solar panel cleaning


Capatable and affordable

Solar Panels Technician

Effort and Money Saving

OTA Upgrading

Wet and Dry Combined

Full Automatic

8 hours Running per day

Easy Handling and Maintenance


Full-Auto & Semi-Auto Combined

Remote controllable with 2.4Ghz frequency, Long distance controlling: up to 100 meters

In complex environments, such as installation sites with irregular arrays or obstacles, remote controlling SolarWalker S1 is more efficient than running it in full-automatic mode.


120cm Roller Brushes

Cover more and clean faster

The SolarWalker S1 works in both wet and dry conditions, cleans most types of solar modules with M2/M4/M6/M10/G12 solar cells.

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Gradient Skies

Wet and Dry Cleaning Combined

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When SolarWalker S1 cleans in wet condition,hold the water pipe and press the robot to start it. 

It will follow a smart cleaning pattern which is supported by groups of high-precise sensors and intelligent algorithm. 

When SolarWalker S1 cleans in dry condition, it can be fully automatically operated. Just put the robot on the right lower corner, press it to go. It returns to the starting point after one full array of solar panels are cleaned.

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Capable under High and lower Temperature

SolarWalker S1 works under harsh environment with temperature among -20°C to + 60°C, module surface tempearture up to 85°C

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Thanks to the sensors that can help SolarWalker S1 prevent itself from dropping 

off the panels when it is doing the job on panel surface. 

Efficient and Simple Operation


Powerful dual rotating brushes

Driven by high-speed rotating brushes, the machine can effectively remove floating dust, accumulated ash, bird droppings, and other debris. When paired with chemical cleaning agents, it can more efficiently clean stubborn or oily stains such as tree sap.

Timely OTA Upgrading and App Controllable


We are constantly working on optimizing the algorithms of SolarWalker S1 and will release updates as needed. This machine can be controlled through an APP. If your robot is the version with APP, you can operate up to 20 robots online simultaneously through the APP.


All Autonomous Planning, Full Area Coverage

SolarWalker S1 makes the cleaning patterns full automonously, and returns to the starting point after one full circle of cleaning.  


Low-light or Night Working

SolarWalker S1 works in low-light condition or even in night time. It is suitable for applications in those areas with extreme high temperature during day time. Please pay attention to the surroundings (including obstables, gaps, people or animals on site when using it at night).

Compact but with High Climbing Performance

Modulized and compacted

1 person+1 SolarWalker S1 + 8 hours >=1.6MW Cleaning ***Reference On-site test data: Modules: 1400 pcs Mysolar 720W HJT modules, ground-mounted One array=70pcs, total 20 arrays, module size: 2384*1303mm Total volume: 720*20*70=1008000Watt (1.008MW) Full Automatic dry cleaning: 5 hours 10 minutes Average cleaning efficiency: 195KW/hour Semi-automatic dry cleaning: 4 hours 50 minutes Average cleaning efficiency: 215KW/hour


Detachable Parts

Roller brushes, watering frames and battery

pack are all detachable designed for easier

installation and maintenance.


Gap between two modules:<= 400mm, Hight between two modules: <=200mm

Rainy or Night Working

Low-light or Night Working

SolarWalker S1 works in low-light condition or even in night time. It is suitable for applications in those areas with extreme high temperature during day time. Please pay attention to the surroundings (including obstables, gaps, people or animals on site when using it at night).


IP65 Waterproof Rating

ensures that the SolarWalker S1 can work in rainy days

***Rainy day working condition: Rainfall<=50mm, wind speed<=38km/h. Do not put your robot or use it in a thunderstorm

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Smart, Strong and Flexible

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