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V4.0 Real Intelligent V + gyro SLAM Navigation робот-пылесос - Mamibot EXVAC680S Smarteye TM
Настоящий интеллектуальный робот-пылесос VISUAL SLAM Navigation от Mamibot и интеллектуальный пылесос 4-го поколения - MAMIBOT EXVAC680S. На сегодняшний день это один из самых экономичных и эффективных роботов-пылесосов, в котором используется широкий спектр новейших передовых технологий. Он совместим с Amazon Alexa, Google play, моноблоком, управляемым через приложение, и им можно управлять из любой точки мира, пока доступна сеть.

2-in-1 New Edition
Hybrid Robot Cleaner EXVAC730 Marvlo
by Gyroscope Navigation

Upgraded Gyroscope Navigation
The EXVAC700 operates in a smarter and more precise manner, thanks to the support of the 6th generation gyroscope navigation system technology.

Max Power
3 Levels of Suction
When Cleaning
3 Levels of Mopping
Brushless Motor
Dual Side Brushes
Up to 2CM Climbing
Multiple Sensors
Only 7.5cm High
APP control OTA Upgrading
Voice Controllable

Бесщеточные двигатели по индивидуальному заказу
Более высокая мощность, более низкий уровень шума, более длительный срок службы, более высокая скорость вращения, меньшее энергопотребление
Quiet Cleaning

Крест и преодоление препятствий
EXVAC680S способен преодолевать препятствия от 15 мм до 20 мм и преодолевать их, что означает, что он может пылесосить несколько комнат и ковры должным образом.

Бегите быстрее, когда попали в ловушку
Когда попал в ловушку при очистке, EXVAC680S начинает поиск под углом 360 градусов, чтобы избежать путаницы. Сообщение будет отправлено в приложение на вашем телефоне, если оно не может выйти, и автоматически перейдет в спящий режим через 10 минут.

270mL Detachable water tank (+/-5%)
The electronic-controllable water tank features 3 levels of seepage speed, which can be adjusted through the app interface. A full tank of water can sustain 125 minutes of continuous wet mopping.

Draw the map while walking
It plans intelligent sweeping and mopping, records the cleaning route and display it in real time on the app, monitors the cleaning status comprehensively to optimize the cleaning experience and efficiency

Our Water Tank
Old Detachable
Water Tank
270ml for bigger mopping capacity
Maximum 150ml only for smaller area
Leaking whenever attached
Seepage flow not controllable
3 levels of controllable speed
Stop leaking in parking, triggered by your order
Bigger area with a 30cm wide cloth
Uneven leaking in narrowed area

Floating Beater Brush
The ground-hugging floating design allows EXVAC730 a closer contact with the surface, increasing negative pressure to remove dirt and dust from deeper areas, providing a deep cleaning to the floor.
2600mAh Li-ion Battery
in one full charge for maximum 140 minutes cleaning (when it is cleaning in quiet mode)

Climbing over Up to 2cm
EXVAC730 is capable of traversing most obstacles on different types of flooring, including short-pile rugs, skirting boards, and other similar obstructions.
Slim design of 7.5cm high
Slim body design allows it for unimpeded movement, so that it can clean under beds and sofas.

Auto Recharging
It returns to charging stations automatically after each cleaning or when battery is low.
Factory Reset with One Click
Clear system bugs and recover to Factory Settings by a press.

EXVAC730 can be connected to smart speakers such as Alexa, Google home,Yandex,Tmall Geneie.

Remote Operating & OTA Upgrading
Change Modes
Change Suction
Seepage Adjusting
Schedule Setting
The robot vacuum cleaner can be controlled in real-time even when you are not at home, allowing for remote adjustment of suction power, water flow, scheduling recharging, system upgrades, saving time and effort.

App Controllable & Shareable
EXVAC730 can be controlled by Smartphone via Tuya APP or Smart Mamibot and shared to your family members. Messages will be popped up on App page when the robot is in trouble (e.g., brush/wheel is blocked, low battery/water, etc.)