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Home > Fenestra luctus > W110-F
Mamibot iGLASSBOT W110-F est a robot fenestra lautus cum patented Exantlaretur TM aqua Spray Features. Est 4 gen rotundum fenestrae robotae lautior, et iam fenestrae robotae tenuissimae mundior cum aqua spargit munus.
2020 Exemplar praetoriae: W110-F
Promotional Edition W110-P
Self-Water-spraying Featured
Multifunctional Purgatio
Features et Commoda
Brand new and upgraded
W110-P saves both time and effort for you especially on big-size window cleaning
W110-P Cleans deeper in wet mode
The sprayed-out water mist can enhance its cleaning efficiency without getting the glass surface too wet
Dual Rotating Pads
The dual rotating pads can wipe dust and heavy dirt thorougher and more efficient
Motor with strong suction
enables the robot stick on glass tight and safe, and gives strong power to guarantee a good cleaning result
2500Pa Suction Power + 4m long Safety Rope
provide multiple safety guarantee in cleaning. The 4 meter nylon safety rope can help your robot reach farther when it’s wiping the glass
Safety Rope:
Nylon, 4 meters
Superior Safety Rope and Climbing Carabiner Clips
Sensitivo Edge-pressio deprehendatur ratio
Instructa in pressuris detectio sensoriis revocata robot retrogradam movet, cum vitreum ora sine intermissione deprehendet.
*** data ex lab ad solam referentiam, non suggessit vitrum mundum sine compagine
Prorsus algorithmus & sensoriis pro fenestra cincinno captura deprehendatur
Deprehendere fenestram cincinno capturam in tempore ne superfluum cessat machinasque scandalum in purgatio processus
Anti-procidens et compaginem detectam
Cum vitreum crepitum sine compagine occurrit, ore-deprehensio ipso facto urguetur ne robot a pressione amissa quae decidere potest.
Intelligent Path-planning and returning to start point automatically
W110-P plans and cleans in “Z” or “N”, or “Z”+”N” modes and avoid itself being stuck by window handles
Return to start point
after each cleaning
Arida et infectum deletis integratis
Elige aridam abstergendo primum purgandum, pulverem gravem et lutum absterge; elige infectum alens in circulo secundario ad accuratiorem purgandam experientiam.
Gravis pulvis esse difficile est
movetur, sed siccis tergendo
potest adiuvare.
Postquam pulvis gravis emovetur, purgatio humida magis esse potest efficient ac diligentius
Plures vias servare incolumem
Salus Funis, UPS et Salutis Cable omnes provisi sunt ut processus purgaret tuto
Negans pressura suctionis
Window Glass
Frameless Glass door
Well-sealed ceramic floor surface
Built-in UPS
The UPS supports up to 30 minutes suction when there’s a sudden power shut-down, an alarm beeps for security reminding
Self-sticking on glass
in sudden shut-down
Up to 30 minutes
UPS powering
App & Remote Controllable
Operate W110-p via APP or remote control. Direct it to the proper location manually when necessary
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