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New UV Vacuum Cleaner - Mamibot UVLITE100 CORDLESS mite killer

Mamibot UVLITE100, new designed cordless mattress cleaner to remove dust mites, pollens, and common bacteria, kills 99.99% mites with a patented U-Type UV lamp. It is necessary if you want a real healthy and comfortable family.

 Mites are harmful in your life

Do you know that there are MILLIONS of mites in one single mattress? What? That is really horrible. What's more, dust mites and their waste are the main causes of allergy and asthma symptoms. Also, every animal including a human being releases a lot of skin rashes that may hide on your bed, sofa, floor, and even in the air.

Sleeping with Eye Mask

We are sorry, but yes these are mites under microscopes after being enlarged thousand of times. They are real, and they affect our health and life.

And Mites are really a disaster if you are allergic 

No matter if you are an adult or a child, or a baby, allergy symptoms like runny nose, sneezing and coughing will be annoying your life seriously. That will disrupt your ability to breathe easily and cause sleep disruptions. Skin rashes are also a common symptom

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UVLITE100 is a great helper

The 9W UV Lamp can kill 99.99% of mites, bacteria, or viruses, and with 4KPA suction power to get rid of the hard-to-clean materials. 

The high-precise filter and HEPA filter help it to release clean air and avoid second-time pollution. 

Download the UVC Bacteria Killing Test Report (99.99%) from Support Center

There are reasons for UVLITE100

to help you

Cordless design

Strong flapping speed

Strong suction power

Quite when working

U-Type UV lamp

Longer duration 

It is really convenient and comfortable to use UVLITE to clean beds, rugs, sofa, curtains....

The cordless design release you from long-cables and uncomfortable cleaning experience.

Generally it is hard to use traditional vacuum to get dust mite out of beds, but the flapping pads can drive mites off the fabric cloth, since it's flapping speed is 8000 times per minute.

After being flapped off the fabric cloth, the UV lamp will scan all mites/allergic dust with the 9W UV lamp. It is tested and proved by lab that this UV lamp can kill 99.99% common mites. 

Though the UV lamp has automatically protection system, we have to warn you that please never try to put the burning UV lamp toward any animal or human being, which may hurt you if being radiated by the lamp. 

A protection system with sensors to avoid exceptional hurt. 

The UV lamp has an indicator light when it is working. It turns off automatically if the cleaner doesn't cover tight on the to-be-cleaned surface. And it will not work if the surface is not flat enough. Don't ever put the UV lamp on human beings or animals' skin.

It is always joyful to see and realize that UVLITE100 vacuums so much harmful dust out for you.

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