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Inicio > Limpiacristales  > W110-F

Mamibot iGLASSBOT W110-F es un  robot limpiacristales con patentado  Características del rociador de agua Pumped TM. Es el robot limpiador de ventanas redondo de cuarta generación, y ahora es el robot limpiador de ventanas más delgado con función de rociado de agua.

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Modelo insignia 2020:  W110-F


Newly Upgraded Dual Spraying Designed

APP and Remote

80ML Transparent
Water Tank

Smart Path

Edge Detection

Dual Spraying

Low Noise


Free yourself to embrace more joy

Let Windows Sparkle with Ease - by iGLASSBOT W168

This state-of-the-art device is engineered to provide thorough and efficient cleaning for various types of smooth surfaces.


Atomized Water

Not too wet, not too dry

80ml Water tank

Micro-fabric cloths

Dual pads with dual sprayings
The dual rotating pads can wipe dust and heavy dirt thorougher and more efficient.
Dry and wet combined
When initiating the cleaning process with the W168 robot for the first time, it is recommended to select the dry wiping mode to effectively remove heavy dust and dirt from the surfaces. For a more thorough cleaning experience in subsequent cycles, you can opt for the wet wiping mode in the secondary circle to ensure a deeper and more comprehensive cleaning outcome.
The dust attached to the glass can be wiped off in dry cleaning mode
Wet cleaning is generally chosen for the secondary circle of cleaning

2-3kPA suction with 5m safety rope

ensures thorough cleaning, while the extended safety rope allows the robot to reach farther areas on glass surfaces, providing multiple safety guarantees during operation.


Sistema de detección de presión de borde sensible

Los sensores de detección de presión incorporados recuerdan que el robot se mueve hacia atrás cuando detecta un borde de vidrio sin marco.


*** datos del laboratorio solo como referencia, no se sugiere limpiar el vidrio sin marco

Algoritmo y sensores precisos para la detección de bloqueo de ventanas  

Detecte el pestillo de la cerradura de la ventana a tiempo para evitar paradas innecesarias o bloqueo del dispositivo durante el proceso de limpieza

Self-sticking on glass
in sudden shut-down

Up to 30 minutes
UPS powering


Sensitive Edge-pressure detection system

Precise algorithm & sensors for window lock catch detection 

Anti-falling and frameless detecting

Built-in pressure detection sensors recall the robot moving backward when detecting frameless glass edge.

Detect the window lock catch in time to prevent unnecessary stops or device-block during the cleaning process

When it cleans window which may have one side without frame, the sensors detect cliff and withdraw timely to avoid falling off


Limpieza en seco y en húmedo integrada  

Elija la limpieza en seco para la primera limpieza, para limpiar el polvo pesado y la suciedad; elige una toallita húmeda  en círculo secundario para una experiencia de limpieza más profunda.


Múltiples formas de mantenerse a salvo

Se proporcionan cuerda de seguridad, UPS y cable de seguridad para mantener el proceso de limpieza de forma segura

W110-P Using angle.jpg
Easy Operation

Control your robot in 3 simple ways: APP, One-touch Button,and Romote.


Edge Detection Sensor

The robot features a high-precision pressure sensor that minimizes air leakage to prevent it from falling at frameless glass, furthermore, it reduces noise levels. This technology enables the robot to maintain stability and deliver efficient cleaning on various surfaces, including challenging ones.

Intelligent Routes Planning

The W168 robot offers three cleaning modes that enhance its route planning capabilities, making it more intelligent in navigating and cleaning different areas. It returns to the start point after each cleaning

Cleaning the up to

down area in N-Type

Cleaning the left

area in N-Type

Cleaning the right

area in N-Type


80ml Transparent Water Tank

The transparent, spacious water tank design allows for easy water level checks and convenient refills. The innovative spraying mechanism ensures thorough coverage of every corner, while the dual pads promote balanced humidity and efficient water utilization.


Mis ideas de AutoMating

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