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Mamibot at 124th Canton Fair 2018 Autumn Edition

Sean Michaels

Oct 18, 2018

Mamibot brought their latest designed products including W120-T iGLASSBOT robot window cleaner, Cordlesser V6 cordless multifunctional stick vacuum cleaner, PetVac300 robot vacuum cleaner, UVLITE100 dust mite vacuum cleaner, MOPA680 cordless multifunctional electric mop/polisher to Guangzhou.

During the five days show, Mamibot presented its items to more than 5000 visitors, journalists and users. It was a great chance to tell people that Mamibot is developping more and more innovative user-friendly cleaning devices.

In Jan 2019, Mamibot is going to Las Vegas for the CES exhibition. There will be more fresh items for users and Mamibot's distributors.

About Mamibot

Household robots are rewriting human’s cleaning history. A new era of intelligent house keeping is dawning upon the world. Mamibot was born at the historic moment, bringing you cutting-edge robotic technology and unprecedented easy life.

Mamibot Manufacturing USA Inc. is an USA based leading manufacturer of robotic products, and has been dedicated to designing and manufacturing robots that can perform as intelligently as, or even outperform humans on household chores for years. Mamibot provides a wide range of home cleaning robots, inside and out, including vacuum cleaners, robot mowers and innovative electric floor cleaners, etc. We have a great vision of saving you from all-around tedious chores.

Mamibot has the most creative and aggressive team including engineers in respect of mechanical, industrial design, electrical, software and sales.

Compared to the competition, which we have actually done many times in various experiments and will keep doing so to maintain our superiority, Mamibot robots are featured better cleaning performance, with smarter technology, more user-friendly design and durable hardware.

With Mamibot robots, you can have dustless carpets, shining windows and a neatly mowed lawn, while be free from endless chores. Leave all chores to your new house keeper, and enjoy an easier life!

As a robot vacuum cleaner manufacturer, Mamibot owns more than 20 production lines in its two robot cleaner factories where they produce robot vacuum cleaners, robot window cleaners, electric mops and polishers, cordless stick vacuums, etc. The Mamibot engineering team have been working in robotic cleaner industry for more than 5 years, with comprehensive knowlegde about manufacturing, designing, quality management and production.

Mamibot is now one of the manufacturers who produce the most comprehensive types of robot cleaners in the world. Mamibot offers robot floor cleaners for entry level, middle level and top end market, pet hair cleaning market, and also for small-size apartment cleaning, middle-size house cleaning, big size house cleaning; Mamibot offers robot window cleaners for internal and external glass of high-rise buildings, villas, apartment, shops, factories and stores; Mamibot offers cordless cleaning devices such as multifunctional dual spin electric polishers/mops, cordless stick vacuum cleaners, dust mite vacuum cleaners which kill bacteria and dust mite, etc.

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