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Mamibot's iGLASSBOT was awarded as the 10 best smart devices in Berlin at IFA exhbition 2018

Daniel Williams

Aug 15, 2018

Mamibot international sales team finished their journey in Berlin, Germany on Sept 5th, and a lot of new items were presented to many of their partners and end users.

Mamibot showcased their latest products including hybrid mapping robot cleaner EXVAC660 PLATINUM, iGLASSBOT W120-T, W110-T robot window cleaners, UVLITE100 mattress vacuums for dust mite cleaning, PETVAC300 robot cleaner for pet hair cleaning, MOPA series multifunction polisher/mop.

Mamibot's new designed robot window cleaner, iGLASSBOT W120-T caught attention from visitors and was awarded as the 10 best smart devices on 2018 IFA show. The robot window cleaner was designed to clean glass, windows (Specially for highrises or hard-to-reach windows.

Besides, Mamibot's new hybrid mapping robot cleaner EXVAC660, which was one of the hot selling robot vacuums, was highly recognized and accepted by their partners.

"Mamibot has more than 5 new innovative cleaning devices in the process of develpment, and will be released to the public within 6 months, and we hope we will bring real value-added affordable innovative products to our lovely users and partners." Said its marketing manager, "we are spending millions of money every year in developing new products, and we are doing a lot of job to know more about consumers needs."

After years of development, Mamibot is now one of the most promising brands who designs and manufactures robot vacuum cleaners. Till end of June, as revealed by mamibot marketing team, that Mamibot has signed over 17 long-term authorized agents/representatives around the world, including countries and areas like Germany, Russia, Austria, UK, Poland, France, China, USA, Canada, U.A.E, Israel, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, HK District of China, Lithiuania, Ukraine, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Vietnam, India, etc.

About Mamibot

With a mission and vision of “My automating ideas be overture”, we are dedicated to design and manufacture robots that can perform as intelligently as, or even outperform humans on household chores. We provide a wide range of home cleaning robots, inside and outside, including vacuum cleaners for floors, robotic mops, robotic window cleaner and robotic lawn mowers. We have a great vision of saving you from all-around tedious chores.

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