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What is the first thing you should do when you own your robot vacuum cleaner


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What is the most helpful thing your robot has done for you? I guess the answers will vary, but no matter how strange your answer is, a robot vacuum cleaner should occupy a significant part of your cleaning life. Once an idealistic but cumbersome technology mostly out of reach for the everyday consumer, the robot vacuum has come a long way in advancement and accessibility, we now have a better experience about what we can do first after we have our robot.

Over the past decade, robot vacs have become increasingly popular household appliances. They are designed to save time and effort while providing a thorough cleaning of floors. The rapid evolution of these vacuums means new features and technologies are added every year to better fill consumer needs.

What is the first thing you should do when you own your robot vacuum cleaner

1. Give your robot an exclusive name

Rather than being a norm device, an intelligent robot vacuum has a personality of its own and is more like a family member alongside us. Just like your cats, and dogs... they need exclusive names for robot vac.

However, coming up with a name is not as easy as it seems, you may want your robot to have a cute name, let’s see what names you can give to your robot: Fluffy, Momo, Round... How cute they are!

2. Setting up your home map

One of the biggest improvement in robot vacuum is advanced navigation, Modern vacuums use advanced navigation systems such as LSD and Gyroscope that senses the layout of the room and maps out cleaning routes. This results in a more thorough and efficient cleaning. If you’re considering give your robot a brand new mission, how about setting up your home map, and letting it clean a specific home.


3. Do a schedule

Another convenience feature that has become popular in recent years is the schedule. Sometimes we are busy with our work and have no time to clean the floor, even we may forget to wake up the robot to clean the house when we are in a hurry to get out of the home. Doing a schedule is an useful feature to solve this problem, When you are not at home you can set a schedule and let your robot give you a clean and comfortable environment before you come home.


4. Mop the tight areas of your home

Having the floors vacuumed with minimal effort is great, but the addition of mopping was a game changer. Some of the robot's vacuums now mop while they vacuum, making it even more convenient and time-saving. On top of that, the lightweight and compact body allow them to get into tight spaces and make a clean sweep of areas you once couldn't reach.


Mamibot Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Mamibot Exvac900S features four levels of adjustable suction power, three levels of wet mopping seepage speed, App, voice control, multiple cleaning modes, self-charging, scheduling, Trash Self-emptying, Mapping, Zoning, Room Selecting on APP.

Mamibot Exvac700 Pioneer features four levels of adjustable suction power, three levels of wet mopping seepage speed, up to 140 minutes of running time, App/Remote control, voice control, multiple cleaning modes, self-charging, scheduling, cleaning pattern Mapping on APP.

Mamibot EXVAC600 Pilot, which features three levels of adjustable suction power, three levels of wet mopping seepage speed, up to 130 minutes of running time, App, voice/smart speaker control, multiple cleaning modes, self-charging, scheduling, cleaning pattern Mapping on APP, etc.

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