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If you want to buy a wet/dry vacuum, what you need to know


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Are you still hesitant to buy a wet/dry vacuum, even if you make up your mind, what kind of wet/dry vacuum is the most suitable for you? As the demand for healthy home life grows, wet/dry vacs were born. It has to be admitted that the robot is extremely efficient and thorough in completing cleaning tasks at home, They are certainly a great assistant to the smart home, However, for how to choose a wet/dry vacuum, is still a headache for many consumers, we’ll help you through a comprehensive consideration of many aspects to select a best for you.

What you need to know to buy a wet/dry vacuum

Instead of having to vacuum and then mop your floors, wouldn’t it be nice if you could do it all in one step? Wet-dry vacuums are extremely versatile and help to safely clean liquids and dirt in and outside your home wet/dry vacuums allow you to complete both chores at once, making them an excellent option for those with limited storage space and hard floors.

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The Mamibot Flomo I was one of the first mainstream wet/dry vacuums, and to date, it’s still one of the best options in terms of performance, versatility, and overall value. It has separate tanks for clean and dirty water (similar to a carpet cleaner) to ensure it doesn’t leave any dirt streaks on your floors or carpets. The appliance’s brush rolls are made from microfiber and nylon, which help them to pick up dry debris and absorb liquids, and the brush rotates at 5700 RMPs, allowing it to remove more dirt and grime from your floors.

The Mamibot Flomo I plus has two different cleaning modes, including the Eco and max models. The cordless design can run for up to 30 minutes per charge, and it has a digital display that shows how much battery life is remaining. The vacuum features separate tanks for clean and dirty water, and you can mix the brand’s floor-cleaning solution into the clean water tank for a more thorough cleaning. This high-end model even has a self-cleaning button that removes dirt and grime from the brush roll, sucking it up into the dirty water tank. After the cleaning is completed, the machine will air-dry the brush set and the pipe.


If you’re willing to spend a little more on a wet-dry vacuum that makes it quick and easy to clean your home, the Mamibot Flomo Max is a worthwhile investment. This cordless vacuum can run for up to 45 minutes per charge, and you’ll be able to see exactly how much battery power you have left on its large LED display. The vacuum has separate tanks for clean and dirty water, and there’s even a special water-absorption mode that will help you clean up spills and suck up any lingering moisture from your floors

The Mamibot Flomo Max is surprisingly quiet during operation, yet it still offers powerful suction that will pick up debris, dust, and even pet hair from your floors. The vacuum comes with a convenient charging base that doubles as a dock, and one of the product’s best features is its self-cleaning brush roll. Once you’ve finished cleaning your floors, you can dock the vacuum and press the self-cleaning button. The machine will use clean water and powerful suction to clean any lingering dirt and gunk off the brush roll, saving you from having to wash it by hand. From there, you simply have to empty the dirty water tank, and the vacuum is ready to be used again. 

Different styles of wet-dry vacuums serve different roles around the house. The wet/dry vacs are designed for everyday floor cleaning and mess pick-up, as they do double-duty as both a mop and a vacuum cleaner. 

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