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How to pick a robotic window cleaner
that suits you?


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No one likes daily chores, Whether it's sweeping or mopping the floor, it will always make us fall into endless household troubles, and the one that bothers us the most is cleaning the windows. Imagine you have to use enough cleaning solution to wet the rag, and then scrub the windows down over and over again(there is still the risk of leaving marks on the cleaned glass)And for some of the tall windows or french windows, it is much more difficult to clean the glass. We've come a long way from automated housekeeping.

Obviously, there are not enough brands on the market, and those that are extremely professional are few and far between, so it is difficult to choose the most suitable window cleaner for us, so in order for you to buy your own suitable window cleaner, we will give you all-round advice on choosing a window cleaner.

Why use a robot window cleaner?

The latest labour-saving device is the window cleaning robot. This invention has changed the landscape of home cleaning. Individuals no longer need to risk their lives by standing on a very high chair to clean windows just to make the windows in their homes sparkle. All you need to do is install a handy window-cleaning robot on one side of your home's windows and leave the rest to the robot.

In no time, the device will be scavenging the debris that has accumulated on every window in your home. The window cleaning robot is a technological marvel, full of impressive features. For example, if you have frameless glass windows, the robot will automatically detect the edges as it runs and continue to clean the real glass.


Mamibot robot window cleaners

A robot cleaner relies on artificial intelligence (AI) to estimate the cleaning area or route so that it can give your window that extra shine. We have made a comparative chart of our bestselling products for you to pick the suitable option.


The Mamibot W200 is an exceptional window-cleaning robot that’ll keep your glass surfaces cleaner than they’ve been in years. The best part? It does it all for you, so you don’t have to expend any effort. It’s cordless, which means it’s able to clean windows that aren’t near electrical outlets.



The Mamibot W120-T is here to clean your windows any way you want. Thanks to its multi-cleaning operation, you can initiate a window cleaning using the included smartphone app, one-touch button, or the included remote control. Once you get going, the square shape of the pad can cover 99% of glass surfaces.

The Mamibot W110-F is a robot window cleaner with patented Pumped TM Water Spray Features. It is the 4th gen round robot window cleaner, and it is by now the slimmest robot window cleaner with a water spraying function.

Have you ever used a robotic window cleaner? Do you think you would get a lot of value out of getting one? What’s the most important feature you’d like to see in a window-cleaning robot?

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